october wrap up: voting and adventures in babysitting.

Well, we made it through another month. I feel like I’ve been saying that phrase at the end of every month this year. It feels like 2020 is in competition for the longest year ever, right?  Here is my monthly wrap up of some of the things I’ve watched, eaten or drank, or just loved for the month of October.

What I’m watching:
I was looking for something to watch when I came across one of my favorite 80’s movies – Adventures in Babysitting. I love this movie. This movie stars Elisabeth Shue and has one of the best opening sequences ever when she is lipsyncing to “Then He Kissed Me”. There are so many great scenes including when they sing at the blues club, the gang fight on the L-train, the fraternity house party, and everything that happens to Brenda at the bus station. It is a must-watch for me!

What I’m eating:
October means Halloween which means I’m eating Halloween candy. Look, I’m one of those people that loves candy corn. Yes, it is just sugar but I love it all the same. And Halloween seems to be the only time it is acceptable to eat this sugary treat. I also love the Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins. There is some debate as to whether the pumpkins or the Christmas trees taste better and for me, it is the pumpkins. I’ve got about a bag and a half of the pumpkins in my refrigerator and you bet I will be rationing those out over the next couple of weeks!

What I’m loving:
If you are in the U.S., please get out and vote! We are so lucky to live in a democracy where we can exercise our right to choose our leaders. It’s so important that everyone gets their ballots in and has their voice heard. I don’t care who you’re voting for, just please vote! I live in Washington state so we have mail-in voting here. I dropped my ballot off at the ballot box a couple of weeks ago to make sure there was time to get my ballot counted. Your vote matters so let’s all get out and vote!!

See you next month!