50 things that make me happy.

Sometimes we just need to slow down and think about some good things in life. To that end, I sat down and made a list of 50 things that make me happy. I had a lot of fun coming up with ideas and thinking about things I enjoy doing and it was a great way to recognize all the fabulous things in my life.  In no particular order, here are 50 things making me happy:

50 things that make me happy:

  1. Sleeping in my own bed
  2. Caramel lattes
  3. A quality cookie from a bakery
  4. Curling up with a good book
  5. Supporting little free libraries
  6. Visiting new book stores while traveling
  7. Dogs doing agility courses
  8. Listening to podcasts while walking
  9. Watching ice dancing
  10. Running my dishwasher
  11. Nachos with lots of cheese
  12. The smell of clean laundry
  13. Putting on comfy clothes
  14. Lighting my candles
  15. Buying a new notebook
  16. Writing in my new notebook
  17. Coffee with friends
  18. The Office
  19. Saturday morning walks and bagels
  20. Quoting lines from Pride and Prejudice
  21. Ice cream
  22. Taking pictures of flowers
  23. Browsing the craft store
  24. Getting 10,000 steps
  25. Road trips
  26. Using up all my samples from Sephora
  27. Shopping for stationery
  28. My Christmas playlist
  29. Getting a manicure
  30. Sending birthday cards to friends and family
  31. Talking to my mom on the phone
  32. The color pink
  33. The sound of rain
  34. Winter
  35. When someone adopts a dog or cat
  36. Checking things off my lists
  37. When my apartment is clean
  38. Criminal Minds
  39. Cupcakes
  40. Writing in my planner
  41. Mailing holiday cards
  42. Wearing lipstick
  43. Baking something yummy
  44. Lounging in a bubble bath
  45. Hallmark movies
  46. Used bookstores
  47. Snuggling under blankets
  48. Looking at old photographs
  49. Getting fun things in the mail
  50. Checking out books from the library

One thought on “50 things that make me happy.

  1. Pingback: 50 things making me happy – spring 2024 edition. | rainy days and clichés

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