50 things making me happy – spring 2024 edition.

Spring is here, the flowers are blooming, and the days are getting longer. To celebrate the changing of the season and warm weather in the future, I sat down and made a list of 50 things that are making me happy. Some of these are repeats from my previous post of 50 things that make me happy but what can I say? I like what I like!  In no particular order, here are 50 things making me happy:

50 things that make me happy:

  1. Breakfast burritos
  2. My gratitude journal
  3. Going through the camera roll on my phone
  4. Sleeping in my own bed
  5. Iced lattes
  6. Sending cards to friends
  7. Listening to podcasts
  8. Taking a nap
  9. Curling up with a good book
  10. The X-Files
  11. Freshly baked bread
  12. Opening the windows to let in fresh air
  13. Putting on comfy clothes
  14. Dogs wearing outfits
  15. Going to the craft and/or yarn store
  16. Touching all the yarn
  17. Getting a coffee and walking around a bookstore
  18. My weighted blanket
  19. Writing in my planner
  20. Writing in my journal
  21. The smell of clean laundry
  22. When all my clothes are clean
  23. Getting things in the mail
  24. Going outside
  25. Reading a good book
  26. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
  27. Seeing the cherry blossoms bloom
  28. Lighting my candles
  29. Coffee with friends
  30. Getting a bagel sandwich on the weekends
  31. Taking pictures of flowers
  32. Finding new things to craft
  33. Getting 10,000 steps
  34. The Great British Baking Show
  35. The feeling of clean sheets
  36. Hot chocolate in the evenings
  37. Browsing all the books at the little free library
  38. Buying stationery
  39. Picking out the perfect washi tape to add to letters and envelopes
  40. Getting a manicure
  41. Picking up a book from the library
  42. Reese’s peanut butter cups
  43. The PlantNet plant identifier app
  44. Finding new bookstores to visit while traveling
  45. The color pink
  46. Making lists of things to do
  47. Checking things off my lists
  48. Hallmark movies
  49. Going for long walks
  50. Reading my favorite blogs

my favorite things about christmas.

My holiday travel this year has been…interesting. I flew out from Seattle and landed at my destination however, my luggage did not make the flight. I thought it would arrive on the next flight out but it didn’t. The next day Seattle was hit with an ice storm that closed the airport so there was no chance of getting my bag then. And then today – nothing. I know there are flights on Christmas Day but if my luggage arrives will it be delivered? I guess we will have to wait and see…

So, I’ve been trying to think good thoughts and think about some of my favorite things about Christmas instead. No, it’s not raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens (you know that I don’t think that is a Christmas song!) but here are some of my favorite things about Christmas:

1. Being with family. The best part of Christmas is seeing family and getting together with loved ones that I haven’t seen in a while.

2. All the twinkling lights. Whether it’s Christmas lights on the tree, on a house, or just any way, I love all the beautiful twinkling lights.

3. Christmas songs. It’s so much fun to sing along to my favorite holiday songs and carols.

4. Baking Christmas cookies. One of my favorite things to do during the holidays!

5. Making gingerbread houses. This is a recent tradition that my family does and it is so much fun to see who can build the tallest house.

6. Holiday movies. Holiday movies are the best.

7. FInding the perfect gift. There’s just something about finding the perfect gift for someone and watching them unwrap it that brings me joy.

8. My mom’s dog in her Christmas sweater. She is so adorable!

9. Christmas ornaments. How fun is it to look at all the Christmas ornaments on the tree? Some of the ornaments hanging on my family’s tree are over 50 years old.

10. The magic. Whether it’s the magic of Santa Claus or the magic of the season, Christmas brings it out.


counting down the days.

Growing up, my family had an advent calendar that we would put out every year while decorating. I didn’t know that it was an advent calendar and we didn’t call it an advent calendar but I’ve come to realize that’s probably what it was. It was a length of fabric to which 24 gold rings were tied in a row and at the end of every day, we would untie a ring, bringing us that much closer to December 25th. As a child, I looked forward to this ritual every day in December. It was something my family did right before we went to sleep and it helped to build excitement for the coming holiday.

As I said, we never called our decoration an advent calendar and I had never really heard of advent calendars until a few years ago. It wasn’t really until I started watching vloggers on YouTube talking about their advent calendars that I started to notice them out and about and in stores.

There are so many types of advent calendars out there but they all have one thing in common – counting the days.

The word “advent” is adopted from the Latin adventus, meaning “coming”. It began as a religious observance, a time for spiritual preparation associated with the coming of Christ. Depending on the religion, the length of the Advent season changes from year to year, as the actual first day of the season is different each year. There are always four Sundays during Advent prior to Christmas, but since the day of the week that Christmas is on varies each year, the length of the season varies as well.

Today, most Advent calendars start on December 1. Advent calendars were developed in 19th-century Germany, where German Lutherans used them to mark the time leading up to Christmas. By the early 1900s, the calendars were in high demand in Germany. Following World War II and a disturbing Naz-themed Advent calendar, there was a strong desire to return to the traditional Christmas Advent calendars and the calendars were introduced to the U.S. and Europe by returning service members.

Nowadays, Advent calendars have expanded to include non-idealogical ideas and it is not just children who receive Advent calendars as gifts. Some of the calendars you can buy feature wine, socks, makeup, candles, tea, and coffee, to name a few. And although modern Advent calendars have strayed from their original beginnings, they still accomplish some of the same things – to bring joy and count the days as they go by.

This brings me to my 2022 Advent calendars. Last year was the first year that I purchased an Advent calendar. I bought a chocolate calendar and a scrapbook/planner calendar. Both of these were great, although I probably won’t use much of what I received in the scrapbook/planner calendar. I did love having a little piece of chocolate to eat every day.

This year, I purchased three Advent calendars – a yarn calendar, a Reese’s calendar, and the Sugarfina calendar. The Reese’s calendar was bought on a whim at Bartell’s – how could I pass something like that up? The yarn calendar contains 24 20-gram skeins of yarn and then a larger skein to open on December 25. Both the Reese’s and the Sugarfina calendar are filled with candy. It’s a toss-up between the Reese’s and the Sugarfina as to which one is my favorite. I like the yarn, but now have a bunch of little skeins of yarn that I need to figure out projects for. I’m not sure I thought that one through so much.

I choose to keep my tradition of opening my calendars in the evenings as a treat. It gives me something to look forward to at the end of the day and I love having a little piece (or two) of candy for dessert in the evenings.

I would love to get a wooden calendar, one to keep for a long time, that I can fill it up with treats for myself and use year and year. Maybe next year!

what’s been bringing me joy lately: december 2022 edition.

Lately, I’ve been feeling like I am constantly on the go. If I’m not busy with work, then I have an activity planned that I need to go out and do. Throw in Christmas shopping now that we are in the crush of the holiday season and I feel like I barely have time to breathe.

Luckily I’ve had some pockets of joy in the past week, including going to see the Nutcracker and having an unexpected lazy day on Sunday. It’s the little things that make me smile.

Today I’m sharing some things that are bringing me joy during this month of December.

Meal prepping.

I started to really focus on meal prepping about a month ago. I cooked up a bunch of breakfasts and some lunches and put them in the freezer and it has been working out so well. Breakfast is my worst meal of the day because I never have time to eat before work so I’m always rushing to find something to eat when I’m at work. If I were to skip a meal it would be breakfast. But with meal prepping I have a bunch of breakfasts already made and can just pull them out when I need them.

Holiday lights.

It makes me so happy to see all the twinkling lights when I walk down the street. Really, why can’t we keep holiday lights up year-round?


I love winter, mainly because it contains my favorite holiday. I love going on a winter walk with a cup of something hot in my hands. Long nights mean there’s more time to curl up with a good book. And who can resist all the dogs in their cute Christmas sweaters!

Christmas music.

There’s nothing better than sitting on your couch, listening to Christmas music, and reading a book. Or listening to Christmas music while you bake, or clean, or just do anything. Christmas music makes everything better, even chores!

Embracing the cozy.

With the temperatures getting low (at least for Seattle) I have been embracing the cozy and getting out all my blankets. I’m lighting my candles and enjoying snuggling under the covers for the next few months.

Olay Regenerist face lotion.

My face gets really dry during the winter because I turn the water on so hot. The last time I ran out of face moisturizer I decided to try something new and picked up a jar of Olay Regenerist Vitamin C + Peptide hydrating moisturizer. The consistency is really nice and it smells great. The lotion is fairly light but it does a really good job moisturizing and my skin feels amazing.

Cabbage plants.

I love seeing the cabbage plants that pop up during the winter months. They remind me of the cabbages that the Cabbage Patch Kids are from.

Mean Book Club podcast.

My new favorite podcast is the Mean Book Club podcast. It’s a podcast where four women read, discuss, and make fun of New York Times best-selling books. If I ever needed a podcast to validate my feelings about books other people love but I hate, this is it.

Caramel brulée lattes.

I just can’t get enough of the caramel brulée latte! I will drink them as long as Starbucks sells them!

what’s been bringing me joy lately: summer 2022 edition.

Well, everything is kind of a bit crazy right now, what with recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions and what is happening in other parts of the world. It’s supposed to be summer here in Seattle but you would never know it. It rained or was gloomy for the majority of June and then we recently had two very hot days, only to drop back into the gloom again.

Work has been busy this past month. I’ve found myself working late into the night and on the weekends, trying to finish up some projects. I was telling a friend that it feels like I use up all my brain energy working and then when I get home I don’t want to do anything. Because of that and everything else, I haven’t been reading much, I haven’t written anything, I pretty much just want to lay on my couch and stare off into the distance.

But I’m trying to be positive. I’m trying to think of all the good things like at least it’s not 108 degrees like it was last summer around this time. At least I am healthy and I live in an area that supports my political views.

So I’m stopping to take a deep breath and think about the things that make me happy. I’ve trying to relax and rejoice in some of my hobbies and things that I enjoy doing.

Here’s what’s been bringing me joy lately, the summer 2022 edition:

White Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

Peanut butter cups might be my favorite candy. But lately, I’ve been indulging in Reese’s White Creme Peanut Butter Cups. It’s the same peanut butter filling as a regular Reese’s but instead of milk chocolate, the peanut butter is coated with white chocolate. I know some people don’t like white chocolate (and is it even chocolate?) but I do and I love eating this nice change to a favorite.

Watching the Great British Baking Show.

The Great British Baking Show is a great comfort watch. It’s one of those shows that I can put on in the background when I’m doing something and watch from time to time. I’ve seen all the challenges so I know the best parts to tune in, like when it’s bread week (one of my favorite challenges because I love bread!), or when it’s chocolate week and 90 degrees outside and everyone’s chocolate melts.

Starbucks petite vanilla scones.

I love going to Starbucks but if I am getting a latte a lot of times I don’t want something big to eat since all the milk in my coffee already fills me up. That’s why the petite vanilla scones are the perfect size. They are bite-sized and sweet and have just the right amount of vanilla bean. I really need to find a copycat recipe for these so I can make them at home.

Cozy blankets.

It doesn’t matter how warm it gets, I will always love a cozy blanket. Sometimes, in the summer, I open the window and turn the fan on, just so it will get super cold and I can wrap myself in a cozy blanket.


Who doesn’t love doing puzzles?!

Silent reading parties.

I’ve been to a few Silent Reading parties at the Hotel Sorrento and I really enjoyed them. I love the bar atmosphere, sitting by a fire, and reading a book. Other than the pianist playing the piano, they really do stick to the “silent” in the Silent Reading Party as even all the servers and bartender whisper when taking your order. This is a great event if you are looking to get together with like-minded readers.

Blooming flowers.

I feel like the flowers have taken a while to bloom this year, perhaps because it’s been so rainy and we haven’t had much sun. But they are finally starting to bloom and I really enjoy seeing them on my walks and taking pictures of all the colorful blossoms.

Finding new podcasts.

Am I the only person that is always changing up the podcasts they listen to? I tend to get really into a podcast for a few months and then I move on which is why I’m always on the lookout for new podcasts to add to my feed. It seems like my interests change every few months or so. I subscribe to a lot of different podcasts and sometimes I feel like there are so many podcasts in my queue that I will never listen to them all. But I always like finding new things to learn about.


I try to do the Wordle puzzle every day. Sometimes I forget and miss a day. Sometimes I end up doing the Wordle at 11:55 at night, just to get that day’s puzzle in. But when I do remember to do the Wordle, I love it. It’s just another puzzle that brings me joy.

Brownies in the freezer.

Look, I am one of those people that can eat a whole pan of brownies in three days. If there are brownies on the counter, any time I walk by the kitchen I will reach out and grab a brownie or two or three. My friend recently introduced me to the hack of storing brownies in the freezer which has completely changed my brownie consumption for the better. Basically, after my brownies are cool and cut up, I put about two-thirds of them into a tupperware and put them in the freezer. This way, they are not sitting on the counter, taunting me, and when I want to eat a brownie I have to take it out of the freezer and let it defrost before I eat it. Now my brownies last for weeks, instead of days.

New hobbies.

I recently got back into knitting and I am currently working on knitting a small tote bag. It is my first big project, after making a plethora of dishcloths, so I am a bit excited about it. There are some mistakes but I figure it’s okay – this is just something for me so I don’t have to justify any mistakes to everyone. It’s something that I enjoy doing in the evening when I am just watching television.

20 ways to celebrate random acts of kindness day.

This Thursday, February 17, is Random Acts of Kindness Day. The day is a celebration to be kind to others and to do the little things that can make someone’s day that much brighter. It’s so easy to be kind to others and there is no limit on the amount of goodness we can put into the world.

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is a non-profit that invests its resources into exploring the good each and every day. Its mission is to show the world how impactful kindness can be. One small act of kindness can truly make a difference so today do something generous, choose kindness, and help make kindness the norm.

Here are 20 ways to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day:

  1. Send a text to someone letting them know how much they mean to you.
  2. Open or hold the door for someone.
  3. Place notes with positive messages in library books.
  4. Write a note to someone who has positively impacted your life.
  5. Surprise someone by bringing them a favorite snack or drink.
  6. Dedicate 24 hours to spreading positively on social media.
  7. Bring a treat to a local firehouse and thank them for their service.
  8. Leave a positive review for your favorite small business.
  9. Let someone go in front of you.
  10. Find out something new about a coworker.
  11. Make some time for yourself today and visit a favorite spot.
  12. Donate used books to the library.
  13. Share your favorite recipe.
  14. Send a postcard.
  15. Create a gratitude jar or journal and write down all the things you are grateful for.
  16. Plan a brunch with friends.
  17. Volunteer at a local animal shelter.
  18. Become a mentor.
  19. Take a moment to recognize your own achievements.
  20. Put your phone down while in the company of others.

You can find more ways to spread kindness by visiting The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation website.

50 things that make me happy.

Sometimes we just need to slow down and think about some good things in life. To that end, I sat down and made a list of 50 things that make me happy. I had a lot of fun coming up with ideas and thinking about things I enjoy doing and it was a great way to recognize all the fabulous things in my life.  In no particular order, here are 50 things making me happy:

50 things that make me happy:

  1. Sleeping in my own bed
  2. Caramel lattes
  3. A quality cookie from a bakery
  4. Curling up with a good book
  5. Supporting little free libraries
  6. Visiting new book stores while traveling
  7. Dogs doing agility courses
  8. Listening to podcasts while walking
  9. Watching ice dancing
  10. Running my dishwasher
  11. Nachos with lots of cheese
  12. The smell of clean laundry
  13. Putting on comfy clothes
  14. Lighting my candles
  15. Buying a new notebook
  16. Writing in my new notebook
  17. Coffee with friends
  18. The Office
  19. Saturday morning walks and bagels
  20. Quoting lines from Pride and Prejudice
  21. Ice cream
  22. Taking pictures of flowers
  23. Browsing the craft store
  24. Getting 10,000 steps
  25. Road trips
  26. Using up all my samples from Sephora
  27. Shopping for stationery
  28. My Christmas playlist
  29. Getting a manicure
  30. Sending birthday cards to friends and family
  31. Talking to my mom on the phone
  32. The color pink
  33. The sound of rain
  34. Winter
  35. When someone adopts a dog or cat
  36. Checking things off my lists
  37. When my apartment is clean
  38. Criminal Minds
  39. Cupcakes
  40. Writing in my planner
  41. Mailing holiday cards
  42. Wearing lipstick
  43. Baking something yummy
  44. Lounging in a bubble bath
  45. Hallmark movies
  46. Used bookstores
  47. Snuggling under blankets
  48. Looking at old photographs
  49. Getting fun things in the mail
  50. Checking out books from the library

february wrap up: the home edit and a new lamp.

Anyone else feel like February was a rough month? Here is my monthly wrap-up of some of the things I’ve watched, eaten or drank, or just loved for the month of February.

What I’m watching:
I mentioned in my recent post that I’ve been watching a lot of home organization shows. One of those shows is The Home Edit. It’s 8 episodes and is on Netflix. Does it seem like the assistants/team do all the work and then the hosts come in at the end and take all the credit? Yes. Could I do without watching celebrities who have closets that are bigger than my entire apartment? Yes. Did I fast-forward through all the celebrity segments? Yes. I know I just listed a bunch of things that annoyed me about this show but I really liked it. I enjoy watching people organizing and arranging things and then seeing the finished product. I loved that the show has shown me that all my things need a home and that everything should have a place where it belongs. I’ve definitely taken tips from the hosts and have been using them while trying to declutter and organize around my apartment.

What I’m eating:
I have become obsessed with Fudge Covered Nutter Butter cookies and I buy them just about every time I go to the grocery store. They are, just as the name suggests, chocolate-covered Nutter Butters, with the Nutter Butters being about the size of an Oreo cookie. The taste actually reminds me a bit of the Girl Scout cookie, Tagalongs, but without that thick layer of peanut butter. These cookies are just so good and the fact that you only get 12 cookies in each package means that I will eat the whole package in like 2 days. But, in my opinion, it’s worth it.

What I’m loving:
You know, it’s the little things that are bringing my joy right now. I invested in a floor lamp and it is making me so happy. The lighting in my apartment is not great and I was noticing that I wasn’t reading as much in the evenings because it was too dark and I couldn’t see. So I decided to hop on the internet and ordered myself a lamp and I love it. I now have so much light and can see what I’m reading!

See you next month!

what’s been bringing me joy lately.

Buckle up, this is going to be a long post.

I think we can all agree it’s been a challenging few (more than a few?) months. Even though I’m used to spending time by myself, the lockdown combined with continued social distancing makes me feel like I am really by myself since I can’t go out and do the little things that make me happy like being with other people at a coffee shop or browsing a bookstore. I’m even reluctant to take the bus places, so I haven’t really been anywhere that isn’t within walking distance. Needless to say, it’s been a bit of a bummer.

Usually, when I am bummed and in need of some joy in my life, I turn to reading. But lately, it feels like I haven’t been reading as much as usual. Usually, I read during my lunch hour and in the evening when I get home from work and on the weekend. But my lunch hour looks a little different since working from home. And I changed up my schedule a bit, taking long walks in the evenings. Sometimes, when I get home from my walks, I just want to eat dinner, check my email, and veg out. This means that most of my reading has been regulated to the weekends when I have more free time.

So, if I haven’t been reading, what else have I been doing that’s making me smile? Here are some simple things that have brought me joy in the past few months:

Long walks.

Long walks are slowly becoming a part of my daily life since the pandemic began. Once the gyms closed, I needed a way to move my muscles and body so I took my exercise outside. Most of the time I will walk, and sometimes, if I’m feeling ambitious, I’ll jog for a couple of minutes. But taking 1-2 hour long walks has become my normal. I log off work in the evening, change my clothes, and go out for fresh air. On the weekends I get up and go for a walk first thing and then I usually stop and grab a bagel and iced coffee on my way home.

My walks make me happy. I like being outside (even though I’ve gone through so much sunblock this year and the summer is not yet over) and walking is the best form of exercise. Just getting out and breathing fresh air can put a smile on my face.

Taking pictures on my long walks.

Similarly, I can’t resist taking a picture of a good flower when I’m on my walks. My phone is full of flowers and sailboats and all the scenery that I’ve seen on my walks. I like looking for fun and interesting things to take pictures of and I notice so many things on my walks – people, trees, flowers, the water, birds. I notice all the graffiti that has popped up on the boards covering up closed shops. I notice all the people having picnics, while social distancing. I notice all the flowers and bees and blackberries that grow on the vines on my daily route. I notice everyone enjoying themselves and I am having fun taking pictures of everything.


Like a lot of people, I’ve found myself in the kitchen, baking, during these times. I’m not sure why. It’s not that I necessarily have a lot more free time on my hands because I don’t. Maybe it’s because I’m home all day and I’m looking for something sweet to eat. Or maybe it’s because I can mix something up on my lunch hour, stick it in the oven, and eat it that night. Whatever it is, I’ve been making brownies, cookies, breads, and all the sweet stuff.

The only downside to baking during this pandemic is that I have to eat everything I bake. Since I’m not going into work I can’t share anything with co-workers. I haven’t seen my bookclub friends in months so I can’t pass my baked goods off to them. I guess it’s good that I’ve been taking all these long walks, otherwise, I probably would have gained more weight than I have.

Virtual telecoms with my life coach.

Even though most everything shut down and stopped for a moment this year, life continued on. I still have my goals that I want to meet this year and I still have my ongoing struggles that I am working on. Luckily I’ve been able to continue my sessions with my life coach. We talk about so many things and she helps me prioritize areas that I want to improve in and how I can do so. She’s been able to keep me on track these past few months when my work schedule suddenly changed and I wasn’t sure how I would organize my time. She also helped me to adapt some of my goals for this year after I realized I might not be able to accomplish them because of the pandemic.


Obviously, working from home means I’ve been spending most of my time in my apartment, which made me start taking a look at things around me. And, I realized, I have a lot of stuff. I have a lot of things that, when I moved to this apartment 4 years ago, I packed up and moved and then stuck it in a corner in the new place and they are sitting in the exact same spot. I realized that I really need to get my home in order and figure out what I use and don’t use.

It’s actually been kind of fun. I’ve found items I forgot I had and clothes I haven’t worn in years. The only problem is that donation centers have been closed so everything is kind of just sitting in a pile in the corner of a room. I think the goodwill and thrift shops have opened up now so I’ll have to make time to drop off all my contributions. I can’t wait to see how everything looks when I finally clear it all out.

Organizing my books.

Every few months I like to organize my books and this seemed like the perfect time to do so (it goes along with decluttering!). I realized a while back that a lot of the books on my shelves were books I had already read that I was keeping “just in case”. Just in case I wanted to read that book again or just in case I wanted to lend it someone or just in case of something. I also have books on my shelves that I purchased and never read and when I look at them I think, I will never read this book. And I realized all these books were taking up space.

So, every few months I’ll go through my bookcases and cull and organize my books. I pulled out a bunch of books to donate – I’ve already dropped off some at some little free libraries in the neighborhood. The rest I will drop off at goodwill or a local thrift store. Then I reorganized my shelves and put all my books in alphabetical order by authors. I am an organize books by author name gal. I’ve tried organizing them by size or by color and unfortunately, while it looks lovely, it just doesn’t work for me.

Becoming a plant mom.

Okay, look. I do not have a green thumb. I have killed so many plants and I’m not even sure how it happens. All I know is that all of sudden, leaves turn brown and my plants are wilted and dead. But I love the way that plants brighten and liven up spaces so I finally went out and bought a plant.

I’ve had my plant now for a few months and it’s still alive (I can’t believe it!). It sits on a little table in front of a window so it gets the morning sunlight. I water it dutifully once a week and I’ve even begun giving it some Miracle-Gro in the hopes to keep it alive. Some of the leaves are browning at the ends which makes me frown but I’m not sure what to do about that. I’m keeping an eye out for new growth so fingers crossed!

Listening to podcasts.

I feel like there are so many good podcasts out there and there is a podcast for just about everything. I’ve been listening to podcasts for over 10 years. There are some podcasts that have probably been on the air that long that I still listen to and there are podcasts that I just started listening to this month.

I have a lot of podcasts in my listening library and I listen to them all the time. I listen when I’m working, baking, cleaning, exercising/walking, you name it. So I’ve been listening a lot these past few months and I’ve even managed to catch up on a few and listen to some backlist. Isn’t it the best when you find a new podcast and then you find out they have 100 episodes in their feed?

Comfort watches on television.

There’s a lot of disheartening news on tv right now and sometimes (okay, a lot of the time) I don’t want to hear how many people have died due to the pandemic or how protestors are being pepper-sprayed by police. Plus, it’s the summer so most shows are showing re-runs anyway. So, I’ve been spending time with my comfort watches which are basically shows that I can just re-watch and re-watch. These are all shows that I’ve seen many times, so if I happen to miss some scenes because I had to get up and do something, it doesn’t matter because I already know what happens.

My go-to comfort watches are The Office, The Great British Baking Show, and Pride and Prejudice (the BBC version). These shows are my favorites. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen them, they always put me in a good mood.

Educating myself.

After watching the BLM protests, I realized that my education is sorely lacking. So, I’ve been seeking out resources to teach myself. I’ve been reading articles and listening to podcasts and I’ve really learned a lot. There are a lot of things that aren’t taught in school that I am slowly realizing. I have some books to read on my library hold list and I am looking forward to reading them.

What has brought you all joy in these past months?