what I’m reading: ghost station by s.a. barnes.

Dr. Ophelia Bray joins a space exploration crew in the hopes of studying and treating the crew to prevent an outbreak of ERS, a space-based condition that can lead to mental deterioration and violence. The team lands on an abandoned planet and sets out to investigate the terrain and figure out why the previous colonizers left in such a hurry. But then one of the crew members is murdered…

I really liked Dead Silence, the previous book by this author that I read, so when I saw she had a new book out I rushed to put it on hold at the library. I liked this one but not as much as Dead Silence. I think I was expecting a little more and was a little let down.

The book is a slow burn, and I found myself flipping forward trying to figure out what happens. I almost thought the book was not scary enough, like it was almost frightening but never quite rose to that level. The story had a lot of potential but it didn’t follow through on some plot threads that I thought could have added a lot to the book. I was definitely expecting something supernatural, hence the title, but the story went in a direction that I didn’t expect. I wasn’t disappointed, but I did not predict the ending.

The characters were fine. The author tries to distinguish between the members of the crew but we don’t really learn much about anyone and I thought they all kind of just ran together. The only person I really remember is the captain as he is the person that Ophelia interacts with most.

This book was enjoyable, I think it was just missing a little bit of fright.

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